Performance Aeromotive specializes in all aspects of aviation safety, but our emphasis is helicopter operations. We advise clients on Safety Issues, as well as reviewing Standard Operating Procedures for both the aircraft and the operation itself.
Performance Aeromotive conducts safety audits of a company's flight operation and maintenance facilities using the Oil and Gas Producers' Forum (OGP) Aircraft Management Guide. The guide is universally accepted as a "international industry best practice" standardization. Using this standard along with the client's own flight operations system & maintenance program requirements, Performance Aeromotive evaluates on and offshore helicopter operations, general helicopter charter, VIP executive charter, as well as conducting overall safety appraisals using the OGP Forum standard.
We take pride in a rapid response to requests and always furnish detailed reports within the specified time. Performance Aeromotive conducts audits in a constructive manner assisting companies in remote regions to meet the required standard; offering continued support after the audit at the client's request.