Our FAA certified A&P mechanics can provide routine maintenance and avionics work on single engine and light twin aircraft, as well as helicopters. We have an IA inspector on staff to accomodate those clients who need Annual and 100 hour inspections.

Aircraft Brokerage and Sales
Aircraft Brokerage and SalesOur Recovery team is able to bring your old aircraft to our location and get it airworthy once again  Whether your goal is to get back in the air, or to liquidate the asset, we can assist you.

Managed Maintenance Program
Performance Aeromotive offers a Managed Maintenance program for owners of light GA aircraft.  Our staff will research your aircraft logs and ensure that all ADs are current, then generate a database for your aircraft based on it's installed equipment.  We will monitor ADs that pertain to your aircraft, your Annual Inspection due date, the recommended oil change intervals, and other parameters, and will notify you when maintenance is due.  No more worries about missed annuals or AD compliance.  All you have to do is keep us updated on your flight hours.

We also offer Aircraft Recovery and Salvage Services - click here to find out more.